Monday, May 3, 2010

Antonay Hughes - April 30, 2010

Ni Hao Everyone!!!! Whoever said that time flies when you're having fun wasn't lying.

This week flew by & was very eventful but I'll start with my past weekend. Last Saturday, April 24, we attended a charity gala hosted by the Pfrang Association, which is where Terrance is interning. It was the 10th annual charity gala and its purpose was to raise money for children in nearby provinces who are not financially stable enough to go to school. Their motto is "Education, a gift for life." The gala was beyond successful & we had a ball dancing, mingling & playing games while giving & raising money to support the cause. Not to mention the fact that Terrance did a GREAT job & I enjoyed volunteering my time to the organization. Afterward, TJ, Jamyla & I had our own little night out on the town & laughed from the time we got to our location until we stepped back into our dorms. The next day we pretty much took it easy and talked about the previous night.

We had our first Chinese exam this week, which had us all on pins & needles the entire week. Now either the test was extremely easy or I studied very hard, either way I did very well & walked out of that room proud of myself & ready to eat! Soooo afterward, eat is exactly what I did. I went with a friend to an Indian restaurant for the first time & it was pretty good. Oh yea, I rode on a motor cycle for the first time also & Lord knows I was so scared. Especially considering the fact that Chinese people aren't the best drivers. However, I still enjoyed myself. Today, which is Friday, we had half of our language class in the classroom & the other half at our teacher's house right down the street. That was a good learning experience because she quizzed us the whole way there and asked or told us the names of things in Chinese as we walked. I just came from the track not too long ago. For some odd reason I felt like running & walking. I also went bike riding & TRIED to play soccer. As fun as it was trying to play soccer, it didn't work out very well. However, I plan to go & play again next week. Well, I'm going down the street to the night market now to walk this KFC off that I just had delivered & later out to the club. Talk to you guys later.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm here sitting at work a little bored browsing the web and i come across Miss Auny, kicking it in China... you are awesome keep up the good got to teach me some Chinese. Proud of you!!!

    Be Blessed,
