Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patrick Shell - May 4, 2010

Today Thursday April 15, 2010 is what I would call the most productive day of the internship thus far.

I, Jamyla Rogers, Rodney Wince, Antonay Hughes and Gabrielle Frazier worked at the EI office. Each team was given the assignment of mind-mapping three scenario cases for their business. One case being if the business had $100,000 invested who are the targeted customers, what type of products would be sold, the sales platform, our staffing needs and, what would be our marketing approach. The other two scenarios were if no money was invested and if $10,000 dollars was invested. All questions had to be addressed for each case. Adam-Paul Smolak then drilled each team with questions about their decisions for each activity and each case as they presented their findings.

After a week when some students were in a state of confusion about the details and actual validity of the internship the exercise proved to be important. I believe we all got a chance to see the business know how, experience, leadership that Mr. Smolak has to offer. Also each day I am growing more and more positive that experience is the best teacher. I am learning so much about being a team player and how one person cannot account for the success of a group. Not too long before we departed the U.S. Dr. Granger told me that when you think you know a little bit about some it is usually then that you find out you know nothing at all. I will continue to keep an open mind and let this experience mold me into a better person, student and, businessman. Until next time Zai Jian!!!!


  1. this yah boy Blake... you in China my dude, livin like a young Ray J lol. You internationally known now Pat lol...hey get at me with some pics and a email .. mines blakelab@gmail.com

  2. Amber Wise in the President's OfficeMay 18, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    Can't wait to hear more about your trip when you make it back!

  3. Greeting Patrick ,
    Learn all that you can and then some . I'm praying for you and the other students .

    Sis.Denise Cooper
