Friday, May 7, 2010

Jamyla Rogers - May 6, 2010

This weekend Auny and I helped TJ with his charity event project at his internship with Pfrang Association.

Pfrang Association is a charity organization that raises funds to help send Chinese children to school who cannot afford to go. It was a successful event. TJ did a great job. The whole event was a success and I had a lot of fun. TJ's boss Dominik had his band perform at the event. He was the drum player. TJ, Auny, and I got on the dance floor and showed the them how JSU dance. We showed them Hip-Hop, they showed us salsa. We had a lot of fun. I am very proud of TJ. Even though TJ is my didi (younger brother) and Auny is my meimei (younger sister), I am learning a lot from them. I am very glad that we have this opportunity to learn each other and become friends. They are God sent

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