Monday, May 24, 2010

Rodney Wince - May 17, 2010

周末和朋友说. I hope all of you are doing well. I am having a great time in Nanjing, China. This past weekend was great.

On this past Saturday, I visited some of my friends who attend the Nanjing University of Economics and Finance. This is a great school. We started the day with me helping them to develop their English listening ability. After this we went for a walk around the area. This school’s library is inside a ball. I called it the ball of knowledge. It is really amazing. I also walked across their pond. In order to do this, I had to walk across circular stones that stood on top of long columns. It was a unique experience. After I finished touring their campus, I was taken to another school’s campus. We went to the campus of Nanjing Normal University. This campus was very similar to those in America. We walked across this campus until we reached the basketball court. Once we reached our destination, we saw that there was a basketball tournament taking place. I wanted to join in and play, but I did not have anyone to play on my team. The grand prize was a cell phone. There was also a space jump, and a rock climbing wall on the court. When we left the basketball court we went to go eat. We ate at the local school cafeteria. It was truly a great meal, and a wonderful display of friendship. I really love my friends. We had a very awesome day.

Today I went to my first Chinese barbeque. Tishira Echols and I were taken to a barbeque by my language partner Yu Le, and his girl friend Hen Hen. We left Ho Hai University at 10:00A.M. We went to the supermarket to buy the food. Once we had purchased the food, we walked to the park. I did not know what to expect. I was thinking of the typical American barbeque. Once we arrived I saw many people sitting around laughing and having a good time. The style of barbeque that we attended was similar to a hot pot. The attendant lit our charcoals for us. Then he gave us the spices, chopsticks, plates, and everything else that we needed. It was quite nice. Once we finished our meal, we took a walk through the park. The park was very beautiful. It had many gardens, and I took many pictures. Once we left the park, we returned to Ho Hai University where I then took a nap. When I awakened from my nap I had dinner at Jackie’s Café. The food at this establishment is very delicious. I am not back in my dormitory writing this blog about my fabulous weekend. I hope the readers of this blog enjoy what I have to say. Have a good night’s rest. I am about to sleep. 晚安!

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