Monday, May 24, 2010

Jamyla Rogers - May 12, 2010

This week was a good week. I went to my Chinese classes, enjoyed them, as I always do, and learned new Chinese words and characters.

After my favorite class on Friday, TJ, Anuy, and I started celebrating Anuy's graduation early. The whole weekend was a celebration. Friday afternoon TJ took Me and Auny to this restaurant that severs good noodles. I was so full, those were the best noodles I have had since I have been in Nanjing. Later on that night we had a small per-graduation party for Auny in our friend Dean's room. There we had fruit salad (that we made), pizza, a photo shoot, and fun. I made Auny a graduation hat out of a take-out box. The next day, which was Saturday, I got up, clean my room, walked three miles, and prepared my-self for the evening. This evening was the big party for Auny's graduation. We all got dressed to impress, took another big photo shoot, and went out every where under the moon. Every where we went, we had to take photos. I showed Auny had to pose like Marylin Monroe. After our dancing/partying time was over, TJ had his mouth set for some DUCK HEAD!. He was talking about it when we were leaving the party spots. When we got to the location where he buys his duck head, the place was closed. He started holding on to the building crying "meiyou maidanlao" meaning: don't want to have Mac Donald. It was a good weekend and I am looking forward to the up coming week.

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