Monday, April 19, 2010

Antonay Hughes - April 8, 2010

Hey fellow Jacksonians and site visitors.

As you see I loved China so much that I decided to come back again. Visiting Zibo the first time was the most life changing and memorable experience that I could ever have and being here in Nanjing so far is just as great if not better. Though our cultures are quite different and I miss my family and friends a great deal, I kind of feel like I am home here. Not to mention the fact that my Chinese is getting even better and shopping is GREAT!!

I've met so many new people here from so many different cultures and countries including Africa, Germany and Europe. Not only am I diversifying myself even more, but I'm also gaining new friendships while networking. Chinese language classes are going very well and my internship is with a well established company called SkyRun. I was a little skeptical and sad to come at first because I am missing the end of my senior year, but I don't think that I could have ended my collegiate years at Jackson State as an undergrad any other way. Well I'll write you guys later. I'm going to finish my homework, running my mouth and feeding my face now.


  1. Aw sis, we miss u too!!! ;-( But I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. Can't wait to see you!! Oo-oop!!!!!

  2. WE are so proud of you Auny! The SILENCECC and the EMERGENCYCC miss you SO much and we know that you're gonna continue to do great things! Love you Lots!

    Miracle, #32

  3. Congratulations Antonay!!! Have Fun and EXCEL!!!

  4. Hey sis...! I miss you sooooo much. I am elated that you are having a life changing experience in another country. I hope you succeed in all your endeavors. I love you and miss you!!!
    ----Jusland Patterson

  5. Hey Antonay, I am glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself. This is a wonderful experience for you. I hope that you learn a great deal there in China. Know that you are truly missed and we love you. Take care.

  6. Leneisha PendletonApril 20, 2010 at 9:46 PM

    This is why I haven't seen you around campus! Have fun girl because I plan to go to China and have a wonderful experience too.
