Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Antonay Hughes - April 20, 2010

Hey again fellow Jacksonians & visitors! Aside from the fact that I found a GREAT new pizza joint in this area called "Xin Jie Kou," nothing much has changed since the last time I wrote.

The weather here is similar to Jackson's. One day it's a bit warm, then next day it's cold and then it rains for days. However, I am still enjoying myself and living stress free. My Chinese classes are going well and I am even doing better in my painting classes than I was 2 years ago in Zibo. My teacher thinks that I'm quite the little artist and although my gold fish look like shrimp at times, I totally agree with her! I am missing my family, line sisters and friends a whole lot so if any of you are reading this, Wo Ai Nimen( I Love You All)!!! I'm about to go ahead and lay down, but before I do I want to tell you guys about my dinner guest. Ok, so I was at this little restaurant right across from the school. We don't know the name of it so we call it the "Hole in the Wall" and the food is Hen Hao( Very Good).

Anyway, I went to the Hole in the Wall for dinner with my classmate Jamyla. We ordered the usual Teng Cuo Li Ji( Sweet & Sour Chicken) and Mi Fan( Steamed White Rice). As we ate our food and talked about our days, in walks this little cat. I thought that maybe I was losing my mind because NO ONE in the restaurant reacted to it. It was almost as if the cat was another customer instead of a cat. So I asked Jamyla what just walked past me and she laughed and said um a cat. So we watched the cat walk from table to table and eat scraps that people may have dropped on the floor. Once he finished, he walked right out and it was like he was never there. Since no one else said anything about it, not even the waiters, neither did we. We finished that food and went on with our night just like the locals. Until next time Wan'an & Zai Jian.


  1. Auny Bee! i know you miss me. and i miss you too. hope all is well and youre enjoying yourself. paint me a picute and bring me something back other then chopsticks. appreciate it! holla!

    c major

  2. this is funny....LOVE YOU AUNY BUNNY :)


  3. Awww Auny!!!! I'm so proud of you! You are a very bright individual who is not afraid to step out of the norm and do different things! Enjoy your experience and I look forward to more u!!!

    Your Big Sis,


  4. Hurry up and write something else sista!!!! iLove you!!

  5. Sista! I'm with Miracle!! I'm waiting for the next blog! Love You... and Be Safe. TTYL!
